Declaration: Objection and Celebration

I object to the extermination of XX people.

I object to the extermination of XX people by those who destroy our natural habitat, who foul air with gasses, who poison land with chemicals and pesticides, who debase water, seas, and oceans with the excrement of their progress, who litter the heavens with their shiny garbage.

I object to the extermination of XX people by those who invent wars and conflicts to deplete munitions in order to produce more for selfish profit, and by those who have brought warfare into villages and cities killing and traumatizing XX people and their children.

I object to the extermination of XX people by those who govern and propagate laws and policies that deny XX people their natural equality. I object to the eradication of XX people by those same forces who horde resources and render XX people and their children hungry, homeless, and impoverished.  I object to the extermination of XX people by those who perpetrate violence against them and the infrastructures that support the perpetuation thereof.  I object to the erasure of XX people by XX and non-XX collaborators of governments and the perversity of laws and jurists.

I object to the extermination of XX people by those who create synthetic beings of plastic, electronics, and flesh in the ersatz likeness of XX people, and by those who market artifice.

I object to the extermination of XX people by those who preach falsehoods and debase and desecrate XX people in opposition to the intention of creation.  I object to the eradication of XX people, their knowledge, ways, and practices, from the stories of the past.


I celebrate the sanctity of XX people!

I celebrate the sanctity of XX people who reach across boundaries to heal injuries inflicted on creation and its habitats- land, water, air, heavens.  I celebrate the sanctity of XX people who protect XX people, children, non-XX people, and all other sentient and non-sentient beings of Earth.

I celebrate the sanctity of XX people with knowledge, reason, and persuasion who overcome inequity and injustice in society.  I extoll the sanctity of XX people and salute their patience and forbearance during the past and throughout current time and space.  I praise the sanctity of XX people who reject and ignore unrighteous laws, throw off the yoke of androcentric ideology, and set healthy courses for future generations.

I celebrate the sanctity of XX people who have shepherded governments and societies to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, provide for the poor. I praise the sanctity of XX people who are the peacemakers.

I celebrate the sanctity of XX people and their practice of Nature’s laws to ward against overpopulation, disease, and pestilence.  I praise the sanctity of XX people who have guarded the knowledge from the past to seek and provide the natural remedies of Foremothers. I extoll the sanctity of XX people to procreate or not.

I celebrate the sanctity of XX people who have mined the sporadic golden nuggets from foul rivers of perverse teachings and have abided on just paths.  I extoll the sanctity of XX people who have learned from mistakes.  I praise the sanctity of XX people who explore the journey.

I celebrate the sanctity of XX people, their love and kindness, their healing powers and knowledge, their resourcefulness, forgiveness, and graciousness.  May XX people continue to protect and be protected by all that is good!
